Dee4Life and the relationship with Peter Marr

Last updated : 12 September 2005 By UD
Over the last number of months I have been concerned with the relatively easy ride given to Peter Marr.

We have a fans rep on the board but what exactly does that bring in benefits?

Well, I believe its actually hindering the work of Dee4Life and is actually making things much more difficult for the guys than it needs to be.

It is my contention, and I may be alone in this, that it is not a good idea for the Dee4Life Board Member to also be the Dee4Life Society Chairman.

The Dee4Life representative on the board of Dundee FC should be someone other than the Chairman or other Society Committee man for a few simple reasons.

Firstly, the degree of impartiality may well be tainted by pressure from Peter Marr. Lets face it nobody really likes the man and to have to sit at a table disagreeing with him constantly or having to justify Society actions can't be easy.

Secondly all doubt regarding who's representative it actually is would be removed immediately. Who exactly is George Knight representing. Is it the fans on the board or the board on the fans committee? I don't mean this as a slight on George Knight in particular but the positions he holds.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, Society Rule 74 seems to avoid this very situation by including the following phrase

"no Society Board member is to have any material financial interest
personally or as a member of a firm or company or as a director or other
officer of a business trading for profit or in any other way whatsoever in
any contract or other transaction with the Society"

As Dundee Football Club is the primary business which transacts with the
Society it is clear George is in this situation. Dundee Football Club is a
for profit organisation and the other board members stand to gain
financially from Trust decisions. This could lead to undue pressure and
criticism aimed at George.

As a member of the DFC board George does indeed have a material financial
interest, not personally, but as a member of that board. The rule excludes
this situation. It should not be happening.

I have brought this matter to the attention of the Dee4Life committee on a number of occassions now and have not yet recieved a satisfactory answer as to why this situation continues.

If you agree that this is wrong please let the committee know by emailing or by making your feelings known in some other way.

Pressure should be brought to bear on Peter Marr and at this time its just not happening.

Its up to us to do something about it.